Family Constellation Seminars
Group constellationsInterested in having Family Constellations for your Family, Group, or Organization?
Please contact us for more information. |
A constellation begins with an issue that a client brings for healing. The facilitator gathers facts from the client about the issue and the circumstances surrounding it. The facilitator and client then determine which family members and meta-positions need to be represented in the constellation. A “meta position” is a quality or energy that has strongly influenced the client’s family consciousness such as an illness, money, addiction, abuse or other larger concepts. Once representatives are chosen, they are placed in the room by the client. As the constellation unfolds healing sentences are used to help move toward resolution, and through varying levels of acknowledgement, acceptance and agreement.
Acknowledging: Acknowledging connects us to the mental level by seeing and naming the truth of what is. Example: I acknowledge you as my Mother (J. Faust & P. Faust, 2015, p. 50). Accepting: Accepting is associated with the emotional level. It enables a person to move deeper into their feeling centers by presenting a choice. Often this choice requires us to accept the duality or a situation or a relationship, both “the good” and “the bad” of what has been. Example: I accept you as my Mother (J. Faust & P. Faust, 2015, p. 50). Agreeing: Agreeing connects us to the deepest part of our soul consciousness. When a person comes to a place of agreement for all that has been a deep healing occurs for the client as well as for the entire family soul group. The act of agreeing can ultimately lead a person to peace (J. Faust & P. Faust, 2015, p. 51). In our seminars, you may have the opportunity to set up your own constellation, assist others by being a representative in their constellation and observe constellations throughout the day. Our seminars are open to everyone no experience is necessary.